Our Classes
at the College of Music Austria


The weekly instrumental lessons form the core training in the College of Music Austria.


You will receive structured and high-quality one-to-one lessons from our selected, high-profile teachers on a weekly basis. Every teacher has a class that is deliberately kept small. This guarantees extremely high quality lessons that are tailored to your needs.

Class lessons

In addition to individual lessons, the teachers at the College of Music Austria offer you regular class lessons as part of instrumental lessons.

In the class lesson, the class members discuss the learned aspects of the individual lessons in the plenum. In addition, you play for each other and thus become part of a group – a wonderful antithesis to solitary practice. Collective learning and experience makes it easier to practice at home – you feel connected to an active instrumental class and can enrich the group with your own experiences. That motivates.The experience of interaction promotes sensitivity in cooperation. In addition to the prelude to the individual programs, there is the opportunity to discuss your own game in a group. In this way you can make your practice more effective together with the teacher. The level and ability do not matter – the class lesson is a valuable platform for both beginners and advanced learners.

Highest level

The teachers at the College of Music

Our teachers are graduates from leading music universities. In addition to their teaching activities, they play in important Viennese ensembles and can show a lively national and international concert activity.

The College of Music Austria guarantees you instrumental lessons at the highest level.


Instruments – major subjects


the most highly sounding instrument within the string family


also known as the “large violin”


a.k.a. cello, is one of the extremely popular instruments.

Double Bass

gives all ensembles the full sound

Individual Lessons

by highly qualified instrumentalists

Selection of our

subsidiary subjects


das Spiel im kleinen Ensemble


im hauseigenen „Fritz Kreisler Streichorchester“


Basiswissen über die allgemeine Musiklehre

Rhythmus Training

für ein gutes Rhythmusgefühl 


die musikalische Evolution vom Mittelalter bis zur Moderne


Unsere Tarife

Die Schnupperstunde dient einerseits für Sie zum Kennenlernen des Lehrkörpers bzw. für uns zur Einstufung Ihres Wissens. Vereinbaren Sie gleich mit uns einen passenden Termin und überzeugen Sie sich von der Möglichkeit unserer individuell gestalteten und auf Sie abgestimmten Unterrichstseinheiten.





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